Tuesday 12 March 2013

Using Levels to adjust Big Ben

Now I have the front of the case done I now can start editing the layers if necessary. The first thing I am going to be doing is by using the level function I will brighten up the image of Big Ben. Down below is how I do this:
So first of all I select the layer that has the image of Big Ben on and then I go to the adjustments tab at the top on the right hand side and then click on the ‘levels’ icon.
After clicking on the level icon it then appears with a box where I can then start altering the levels of the image. Also I can change the presets and the colour mode to However for this instance I will be keeping the preset as default and keeping the colour mode to CMYK as I want to keep the colours the same as there are now on the im age however I will alter the level to ensure that the image just gets a little brighter.

I click on the icon with the box and the arrow pointing down so that when I start altering the levels that it only alters the image for Big Ben and therefore doesn’t affect any other parts of the front cover.


I then play around with the levels until I have found the level that I am happy with and the brightness I want to have.  I chose to have the level 202 as it illuminates Big Ben really well and makes the building stand out on the front cover.





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