Tuesday 7 May 2013

Overall Evaluation

Overall Evaluation
Now that I have successfully created and produced the DVD cover, label and the trailer, I am now going to be analysing my work and giving an overall evaluation on what things I think I did well on, what things didn't go well and the improvements that I would make next time .
DVD Cover
Firstly I am going to be analysing the DVD cover that I produced for my film idea. My opinion on the things that has worked well on the cover is that I think that everything combines really nicely and blends together. Another thing is that nothing is out of place and isn't just there to use up space. On the other one of the things that didnt work well as I thought was that there is a bit of space at the back and therefore I could have included ratings or commens abiout the film. The improvements that I would do next time is to explore my on the different effects and apply more to my work. Another improvement would be that
DVD Label
Now I am goign to be analysing the DVD label, the things that have worked well is that the label looks very professional. An alternative thing that has worked well on the DVD label is that again just like the cover everything compliments each other. One of the things that didn't work well was that the line underlining the title could be better and actaully be a pair of tyre tracks. The improvements that I would do next time is create more vector art images also use more of the filters that are available for you to use.
DVD Trailer
Finally I am now going to be looking at the one minute trailer I have produced. One of the things that works well within the trailer is that each clip runs smoothly from one clip to the next and therefore aren't any jumps or freezes. Another thing that works well is the way that the titles come into the trailer. One of the things that hasn't worked well within the trailer is that at the end it just appears saying 'Coming Summer 2013' and maybe should have had someone actulaly saying it aas it appears on the screen. The improvements that I would make next time using Adobe Premiere is use more if the transitions and use some effects to the audio. Another improvement would be that to experiment and use more of the tools availabe such as the 'Ripple Edit'.
With the trailer is was very important to get the right videos and ensure that they were at a highr resolution so therefore the video will be clear . I also had to ensure that the videos that i was including within the trailer would work well together.
In conclusion I am highly satisified in all three pieces of work that I have created and produced for the film 'The Pursuit'. Also that everything works well together and that I managed to create everything on time

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