Tuesday 23 April 2013

Adding a background, text and the vector image on to the DVD label

Adding the background , text and the vector image on to the DVD label
Now that I have created the vector image for the DVD label , I am now going to add a background to the DVD label also with the title of the film and then also include the speedometer that I have just successfuly created. Down below are the different steps that I took.
Step 1:
Firstly I open up Adobe Illustrator and open up the file which has then guides for the DVD label on.



Step 2: I now need to open up the image of the background that I have chosen to have for my DVD label.

Step 3:
I then locate the file of the background and click on open.



Step 4:
It then opens the background image into Adobe Illustrator.

Step 5:
I then copy and paste the image onto the DVD label.

Step 6:
I then resize the background image so it fits perfectly on the DVD label.

Step 7:
I then repeat the process for the film title and the vector art of the speedometer.

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